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New Family Social & Wales' National Adoption Service announce new partnership [11 March, 2022]

11 Mar 2022 15:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

New Family Social is thrilled to announce today – 11 March, the last day of LGBT+ Adoption & Fostering Week – a new partnership with Wales’ National Adoption Service. This strategic relationship will mean that LGBTQ+ applicants to a Welsh local authority adoption service can apply to access New Family Social’s Gold memberships free of charge. It applies to all LGBTQ+ adopters who adopted or are supported through a Welsh local authority and to all future LGBTQ+ applicants taking this route.

This is the first such country-wide partnership with New Family Social in any of the UK’s nations. It provides LGBTQ+ adopters and adoption applicants a consistent level of peer-support services, whichever local authority consortium they apply through. Adoption social workers for Welsh local authorities will also benefit from dedicated support and access to the latest good practice when working with LGBTQ+ people, developed by New Family Social.

Mae New Family Social yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi heddiw – 11 Mawrth, diwrnod olaf Wythnos Mabwysiadu a Maethu LHDT+ – bartneriaeth newydd gyda Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Cenedlaethol Cymru. Bydd y berthynas strategol hon yn golygu y gall ymgeiswyr LHDTQ+ i wasanaeth mabwysiadu awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru wneud cais i gael mynediad i aelodaeth Aur New Family Social yn rhad ac am ddim. Mae’n berthnasol i’r holl fabwysiadwyr LHDTQ+ sydd wedi mabwysiadu neu’n cael eu cefnogi gan awdurdod lleol o Gymru ac i bob ymgeisydd LHDTQ+ yn y dyfodol sy’n dilyn y llwybr hwn.

Dyma’r bartneriaeth genedlaethol gyntaf o’i bath gyda New Family Social yn unrhyw un o wledydd y DU. Mae’n darparu lefel gyson o wasanaethau cymorth cymheiriaid i fabwysiadwyr LHDTQ+ ac ymgeiswyr mabwysiadu, pa bynnag gonsortiwm awdurdod lleol y maent yn gwneud cais drwyddo. Bydd gweithwyr cymdeithasol mabwysiadu ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol Cymru hefyd yn elwa ar gymorth penodedig a mynediad at yr arferion da diweddaraf wrth weithio gyda phobl LHDTQ+, a ddatblygwyd gan New Family Social.


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